Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hello, Baylie!

This week's Star of the Week is Baylie! Baylie is in the third grade this year.

Baylie likes to do many things. In her spare time Baylie says that the thing she likes to do most right now is to ride her four wheeler and to ride her new bicycle. Baylie got her bicycle recently as an early birthday present. Baylie states, "It is REALLY big! I have already fallen off of it 2 or 3 times!"

I am glad that Baylie loves her new bike but I hope she is very careful when riding it and that she always wears her helmet to protect her if she falls again!

When asked what her happiest memory is, Baylie said that would be going to Myrtle Beach when she was little. She enjoyed doing many things on that trip but the thing she remembers enjoying the most was playing in all of the sand.

I asked Baylie what she would like to be better at and she responded that she would like to be better at playing volleyball. When I asked why, Baylie told me that her dad plays volleyball and she would like to be a good player like him. She also said that she would like to play on a volleyball team when she goes to middle school.

Thank you, Baylie, for letting us all get to know a little bit more about you. We are all very lucky to have you as a classmate and a friend!

1 comment:

  1. YOur name is soooo cool! I think it is great that you love to ride on your bicycle, I like to ride my bicycle too! I have never riden on a four wheeler so maybe if I come to visit Mrs. V in Cookeville I can come and watch you ride. Please don't ask me to play volleyball because I am not very good at it! I tried to play in hight school and I hit someone in the nose and it bled and bled! Have a great week.
