Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Another Friend from The Learning Zone!

This week's Star of the Week is .........

Jake W.!

Jake is in the third grade this year and loves being outdoors! Three things that he wanted to share about himself are:

In my spare time I really like to go fishing at the pond near my Mimi's house. I always catch BIG bass and catfish there. Sometimes I catch bluegill but I usually toss those back. One time I saw a water moccasin at the lake. I know I have to be extra careful when I go fish!

Because I like hunting so much, my happiest memory is when I shot my first turkey last year. I even brought pictures to school to show Mrs. V. and my other teachers!

The last thing I wanted to share is that when I get worried, I pray. This is something I wanted to let you know because it helps me!

1 comment:

  1. Jake, you seem like a wonderful young man and I am so glad that you were the star of the week. I think I might have to send MRs. V something special in the mail! My husband loves to fish as well and he went to Tennessee Tech, I wonder if you and he fished at the same lake? Have a great weekend!
